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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Curabitur nibh. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Vestibulum sapien enim, cursus in, aliquam sit amet, convallis eget, metus. Duis dui mi, varius at, lacinia eget, ullamcorper et, tortor. Pellentesque ac pede.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Aenean orci mi, varius eget, mollis vel, rhoncus a, leo. Ut eros enim, vehicula quis, gravida ac, sodales sit amet, orci. Nulla eleifend tristique erat. Sed ac est. Fusce tincidunt luctus tortor. Quisque sed neque vitae elit cursus faucibus.
The above Prayer, in Trashy-Mock Latin, is frequently uttered (always paraphrased and ad-libbed in the vulgate, only in part, and certainly not verbatim) by the Webmaster (i.e. the geek) who built and maintains these pages for the Church.
Various parts of it can be roughly translated as: "Where did I put the friggin' backup file?", "NOW what the hell is wrong?", "Why didn't that work?", "Gimme the damned book!", "Oh, thank God for stylesheets.", "Aw, crap! I forgot to save all that.", "Don't tell me the goddam server went down again!", -- and a bunch of other less printable agonized supplications, foul expletives, and blasphemous epithets.
While the Church itself could not and would not approve either the text of or the use of the Prayer, both it and its use is entirely in keeping with the intent, philosophy, tenets, and practice of most of us who do freebies for the Church.